Membership Information
HOW CAN I BECOME A MEMBER? Any adult may become a member by filling out and submitting an application form and appropriate initiation fees. Once received the written application will be processed and you will be notified by mail. Your initiation fee is the first years dues, $40.00 per individual, $30 each additional person in the family in the same household. We request new members attend the next General Buisness meeting to be presented to the general membership.Dues for junior members (10-17 years of age) shall be $30.00 per year. Juniors must have a parent or sponsor that is an existing member. Junior members do not hold office or have voting privileges.
Adult members shall have all the powers and privileges conferred in the bylaws including the right to vote and hold office.
To remain in good standing, a member must pay their yearly dues before the close of the December general business meeting. A five dollar ($5.00) penalty is charged after December 31st.
Membership Benefits
Use of the shop equipment listed below, jewelery, silver smithing, wire wrapping, beading and glass fabrication classes, educational classes and field trips.Grinding Room
3 Genies2 Corundum grinding wheels
6 Flex-O-Wheels
1 Flat Lap
2 Sphere Machines
2 Trim Saws
Many Templates
Saw Room
6 Saws from 10" to 24"2 Trim saws
Silver Room
2 Oxyacetylene Torches1 air-acetylene Torch
1 Wax pump for lost wax casting
1 Sand Blaster
1 Steam Cleaner
1 vacuum pump
2 kilns
1 vacuum caster
1 drill press
1 dual station buffing wheel
1 Rolling Mill
Club Room
2 All-You-Need grinding machines1 Fordham handheld grinder
1 Inspection Microscope with camera adapter
Numerous molds and silver forming implements
1 Video Projector for DVD, VCR or computer
1 DVD player
Extensive Library - cataloging in process.