Clicking on any link below will open that link in a new window.Clubs
Antelope Valley Gem and Mineral ClubCalaveras Gem & Mineral Society
Culver City Rock & Mineral Club
Mojave Desert Gem and Mineral Society
Nevada County Gem & Mineral Society
San Diego Lapidary Society
The Sierra Pelona Rock Club
Yucaipa Valley Gem & Mineral Society
Orange Belt Mineralogical Society - San Bernardino"
American Federation of Mineralogical SocietiesCalifornia Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc.
Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs
Women in Mining
Women in Mining — California chapter
OutDoor Adventure USA - Southern California Outdoor enthusiasts
Reference Sites
Charts for when a satellite will pass overhead, star charts...Fantastic page on the Mojave Desert and Geology
Agate Page
Geological Society of America - Publications
International Gem Society Reference Library
John Betts - Fine Minerals, New York, NY on-line gallery of mineral and crystal specimens.
Web Mineral
Mineral Data
Mineralogical Society of America - Mineralogy, Petrology and Crystallography
Rocks and Minerals
The Jade SiteSunstones - Dust Devil Mining
Fluorescent Mineral Society
Mineral Town - Photo gallery, information on mineral collecting and more
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
West Coast Mining - Agates, Picture Jasper, mining information and more
Rock and Gem Magazine - Show Calendar
The Vug
American Opal Society
Gem mining in San Diego at the Ocean View mine in San Diego
Rainbow Ridge Opal Mine
The Mineralogical Record - Table of Contents
Tozour Family's Fluorescent Rocks
Ultraviolet and UV Lamps
Lifestyle Store -Your one stop source for the rock collector, gold prospector and treasure hunter.
Desert Environmentand Geology
Google Earth