About Us
The Victor Valley Gem and Mineral Club is a 501(c)4 Nonprofit Educational club.
2024 Executive Committee |
President | Dave Duncan |
1ST V.P. (Membership) | Kareem Jacobs |
2ND V.P. (Education) | Lia Hamilton |
3RD V.P. (Shows) | Ody Oriva |
Recording Secretary | John Alcorn |
Corresponding Secretary | Jake Brouwer |
Treasurer | Ann Musick |
Board Members |
Lorie Cunningham | Pam Trozera |
Beka McNeil | Cory Beck |
Past President | Sara Arnold |
Standing Committee Chairs |
Bulletin Editor | John Alcorn |
CFMS Director | Ody Oriva |
Displays | |
Historian | |
Hospitality | |
Librarian | Lia Hamilton |
Maintenance | George Robles |
Junior Rockhounds | Yaya Avila |
Photography | |
Social Media |
Stine Smith |
Sunshine | Lorie Cunningham |
Tailgate | Ody Oriva |
Wagon Master | Scot Gray |
Web Master |
Jim Fosse |
Instructors |
Beka McNeil | Chris Koch |
Dave Duncan | |
Gayland Graves | Janet Flecher |
Lia Hamilton | Lorie Cunningham |
Stine Smith | |
Associate Instructors | |
Ann Musiak | Ody Oriva |
Bert DunhamJim Powhawk
Mrs. Harold H and Arthur Pratt
Bill Landario
Helen Pratt
Elmer Piercy
Mike Will
1947-48 Bert Dunham
1949-50-51 Walter Pilkington
1952-53 Sherman Marquand
1954 Mike Will
1955-56 William McVeigh
1957-58 Bob Pierce
1959-60 George Seals
1961 Sherman Marquand
1962-63 Roger Kingsbury
1964 Don Lanier
1965 Mike Will
1966 John Whitefoot
1967-68 Myrtis Kilpatrick
1969-70 John Whitefoot
1971 John Tilley
1972-73-74 Elmer Rehme
1975-76 Arthur Jones
1977 Joe Benson
1978 Arthur Jones
1979 Joe Kosik
1979-80 Dave Lindsey
1981-82-83 Doug Ackerson
1984 Bob Jones
1985 Dave Lindsey
1986-87 Joe Kosik
1988-89 Mark Anderson
1990 Art Jones
1991 Gladys Cochran
1992 Stan Field
1992-93 Bob Harper
1993-94-95-96 Gin Beebe
1997 Bob Harper
1998-99 Denis Harbison
2000-01-02 Nick Beall
2003 Val Costello
2004 Val Costello / H R "Gil" Gilbert
2005-06 Nick Beall
2007-08 Tom Laszlo
2009 H R "Gil" Gilbert
2010-11 Cyndy Mandell
2012 John Printz
2013 Ed Berresford / Cory Beck / James Fosse
2014 James Fosse
2015 Terry Booth / Marc Smith
2016 John Prince / Sandy Skidmore
2017-19 Sandy Skidmore
2019-21 Dwayna Barron
2022 Sara Arnold
2023-25 Dave Duncan
Although stirrings for a rock club began in 1941, formal
organization of the Victor Valley Gem & Mineral Club took place
in May 1947. The then "Victor Press" reported: "Fifteen Rock-nuts
gathered at the Community Center with Bert Dunham and Mike Will to
form Victorville's Rock Hound Club. It is open to all rock
collectors. The club's aim is to promote interest, exchange ideas,
form field trips, and bring in outsiders and educational features
along the lines of rock collecting."
Ideals of the club have not changed, 'the membership has climbed
to nearly 160, drawing from the entire Victor Valley, Wrightwood,
Phelan, and other surrounding communities. In the early years,
meetings were held in members homes, schools, parks, etc. Need for
a clubhouse was felt and in 1952 a lot on 7th street, between
Victor St. and Mojave Dr., was purchased from Sherman Marquand for
$1,500. (A year later the adjoining lot sold for about $10,000.)
Rummage sales, raffles, bake sales, etc. were held to establish a
building fund. Even junk cars were wrecked and parts sold to build
the fund. Construction was begun in 1960 with two bungalows bought
from the school district and joined together to establish a floor
space of 68' x 23', including kitchen and lounge. Over 100 guest
and civic leaders attended the grand opening on Sept. , 1961.
Thirty cases of minerals and lapidary work were displayed in the
new clubhouse, and a rock show was held there only 2 weeks later.
The following year, 1962, enthusiastic members and officials of the
"Victor Press" had ground breaking ceremonies for the large
commercial building on the front of the club lot on 7th street. The
"Victor Press" leased the building, built to their specifications,
for 10 years. Since then it has been leased to the Reliable, now
Kamen Bearing Co.
The original club building entertained many, many happy
functions and events until October of 1988 when it was leveled to
build our current structure. Which has more meeting and workspace
area. For a little over a year the Gem & Mineral Club met at
the Apple Valley Grange but by Christmas 1990 the club again was
functioning in it's own place, meeting, learning and educating
Keeping to the club's aim to promote interest in the earth
sciences and rock hounding hobby, club members have supported
community service events, placed displays in stores, banks,
libraries and public buildings, have gone to schools, rest homes,
social clubs, scout groups, churches, and parks lecturing and
giving hands on hand demonstrations. Fine exhibits have been
presented to the local museum. A cairn of desert minerals was
erected with a sundial at the 4-H fan at the fairgrounds. We have
entered floats in the parades. We have reached out and touched our
community. Only a couple of months after organization the club
began holding shows to share their hobby with the public. The first
was held in a park. For many years these shows also had displays by
Mojave Cactus Society and the Hi-Desert Artist. In 1948 the club
spearheaded the mineral and lapidary display at the San Bernardino
County Fair which at the time was held in dusty wind-blown tents.
In 1948 prize money of $700 was offered at the Fair for the best
displays and a special award for the best mine strike. An exciting
darkroom show of fluorescent minerals greeted visitors in 1950. The
1958 Fair drew the following accolade: "Most spectacular gem and
mineral exhibit in the state." Huge crowds came to see the 104
cases of lapidary arts in 1964. For 26 years Victor Valley Gem
& Mineral Club participated in this annual event. Many fine
trophies are displayed in our clubhouse showing honor to our
In 1985 the club chose to break from the Fair event and now
holds its own Annual Gem & Mineral Show, the third weekend in
October. (Now the third weekend in November) This event hosts many
dealers and has many displays and demonstrations complementing the
hobby. Visitors come from allover the Southland and adjoining
States to gather in the sights at this popular event.
Affiliation with both the California and American Federations of
Mineralogical Societies occurred in 1955. We have been active
supporters ever since. In 1968 the club joined with the Boron and
Antelope Valley clubs to host the CFMS show at the Lancaster
Fairgrounds. National recognition was received in 1977 with being
awarded the "All American Club" trophy by the American Federation
of Mineralogical Societies for being one of the most outstanding
clubs in the nation. In 1978 the club hosted the CFMS Bulletin
Editors Seminar at which 65 attended from other clubs. And in
October of 1980 is again was host to 54 CFMS Field Trip Chairmen,
for a seminar. We have had excellent representation at all of the
Federation gatherings and have put displays in several of their
Federation Shows. For the past 21 years the club has hosted a free
field trip and tailgate weekend open to all clubs and rock hounds
at Stoddard Wells collecting area. This has been a popular winter
event drawing clubs and rockbound enthusiasts from all the western
states. It is currently held the third weekend in March and this
past year drew over 2000 people. Good fellowship has combined with
rock collecting.
Pot-luck suppers are monthly social events at the general
meeting. Education programs covering all facets of the earth
sciences and our hobby are held monthly. Field trips have led hardy
rock hounds to mountains, deserts, rivers and remote area digs.
Each year we migrate as a club to the winter pow wow of rock hounds
at Quartzsite, AZ for a week of fun and campfire &
Lapidary working equipment installed in the clubhouse has a
steady workout. These include 24" saws, 18" saws, trim saws,
grinders, polishers, laps, drills, sphere makers, etc. We have a
special room equipped for silver work and casting.
Workshop sessions are held on the 2ND Tuesday of every month,
and every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Expert instruction and
supervision is provided.
A memorable quote from one of our Past Presidents, Elmer Rehme,
on the occasion of the "Burn-the-Mortgage" dinner in 1974, "Let's
celebrate and show our appreciation for the efforts on those good
people who had apart in founding, building, and continuing the
work. Their names and foresight should not be forgotten. Our
building and property is a monument for the future generations of
rock hounds to use and enjoy." To this challenge also, we as a club
continue to support the original goal to promote interest in the
earth sciences and our hobby so that it will be apart of the
generations to come. Since 1992 Victor Valley Gem & Mineral
Club has given several $1000 Scholarships to college students
perusing earth sciences at Victor Valley College. And in 1996 VVGMC
purchased a special computer and printer for Sultana High School in
Hesperia so they could gain access to the Internet to research
areas of discovery in Earth Sciences. Students will now be able to
contact NASA, .JPL and various universities to exchange information
and to talk to scientists and researchers through E-mail.
Doug Ackerson
Louise Ackerson
Lorane Cross
Harry Famham
Vema Famham
Ed Lechner
Gladys Lechner
Rex Parker
Edy Parker
Bill Perteet
Jeannette Perteet
Elmer Rehme
AI Valenti
Frances Viney
John Whitefoot
Bob Menelly
Joe Kosik
Loren Beebe
JoAnn McPurdy
Faith Harper
Robert Harper
Nancy Flanders
Wayne Flanders
Carole McMichael
Gil Gilbert
Val Costello
Virgil Melton
Robert Arias
Pat Estes
Dorthy Oberg
Jim Fosse
Cyndy Mandell
Lois Papner
Bret Ward
Ed Skidmore
Ellen Gilbert
Francis Gramata
Marie Gramata
Tom Lazlo
Connie Weinberg
Don Pomerenke
Janet Flecher